Our team spread the awareness among the youngest: World Water Day

Did you know that a person can live about a month without food, but only about a week without water? Water is life, don’t waste it.

Today is World Water Day, a special time every year on March 22 created by the United Nations to highlight the importance of freshwater and advocate for the sustainable management of its resources. 

The theme for 2019 is Water for all. As water is a human right, the goal is that everyone by 2030 has access to safe water (let’s remind that still today, billions of people are living without safe water).

Our team went back to Colégio do Castanheiro to give a presentation about the importance of water. It’s always very interesting to see how today’s children are alerted to the impact that water consumption and waste today. 

These activities are part of a bigger ongoing educational project.

We know that water is a limited resource and there has to be awareness for this fact. We also did some games with the students and a role-play about the water cycle.

We love to see how these children are eager to learn and enjoy these activities!

Stay tuned if you want to see more of our educational projects with children 🙂

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