The sperm whale Mr Liable again!

mr liable sperm whale tail

The sun is still shy, but we cannot say the same for our cetaceans.

Today we saw two resident species and a summer migratory species. A few minutes after leaving Ponta Delgada we found a friendly group of common dolphins that accompanied our boat playing with our waves.

Shortly afterwards our lookout called our boat because he found Mr Liable!! Apparently, Mr Liable missed because he has had a constant presence in our tours. After 4 minutes, he went for a feeding dive and we decided to see a giant group of Atlantic spotted dolphins! In this group we saw lots of babies, still without spots. Did you know that the older the dolphins are, more spots they have?

When we were returning, we still had the opportunity to see Mr Liable again. What a great trip! Can we expect your presence with us tomorrow?

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