Striped dolphins have unique markings with a distinct stripe pattern running along the length of both sides of the body. They are found throughout offshore temperate and tropical zones of the world’s oceans. These dolphins travel in groups, typically numbering from a few dozen to 500 or more individuals.
In the Azores, striped dolphins are seen occasionally during the spring and summer months, usually from June to November/December. They are usually encountered further off the coastline then our resident bottlenose dolphins and common dolphins. They are usually not very friendly towards boats and tend to keep their distance. At times they can be seen together with common dolphins. The striped dolphins have a characteristic way of travelling very quickly, making long shallow leaps above the water and frequently changing direction.
• Male: 2.6 m
• Female: 2.4 m
• Calf: 1 m
• Male: 160 kg
• Calf: 15 kg
Global population: c.2,000,000 (population trend unknown)
Status: Least Concern
Diet: Small midwater fish, squid
Teeth: 160 – 200
Longevity: 35 – 50 years
Breeding age: Unknown
Gestation: 12 months
Nursing: 1 – 2 years
In other languages
Portuguese: Golfinho-riscado
Spanish: Delfín listado
French: Dauphin bleu et blanc
Italian: Stenella striata
German: Streifendelfin
Dutch: Gestreepte dolfijn
Swedish: Strimmig delfin, Blåvit delfin
Norwegian: Stripedelfin
Danish: Stribet delfin
Finnish: Raitadelfiini
Polish: Stenella pręgoboka
Russian: Polosatyi delfin