Futurismo is now officially one of the First Whale and Dolphin Watching operators to obtain a Certification from the World Cetacean Alliance – WCA World.
It is with pride and sense of responsibility that we received this distinction, of global recognition, for Responsible Observation of Cetaceans, by the World Cetacean Alliance (WCA). The WCA is a movement and association of more than 100 organizations, from more than 40 countries, working together to protect the cetaceans and their habitat.
This certification is made to ensure that certified Cetacean Observation operators comply with strict quality standards in the customer experience, and, mainly, in a responsible operation for animals, the environment and communities, aiming above all to minimize impacts on wildlife. In the case of the Azores, in addition to the observance of international guidelines, we have to comply with regional legislation DLR 10/2003/A.
Futurismo is proud of the growth of the associative movement of WCA, to which we belonged even before its formal start in 2013, having already participated in previous projects, such as Planet Whale. Futurismo, together with other associates, has always strived for responsible tourism and a cetacean observation activity that follows guidelines defined by science.
We recently completed our certification, after a process in which we took the opportunity, with time and critical sense, to work together with international partners to not only obtain the Certification as an end, but rather to think about improvements regarding its constituent elements , having deeply debated the Azorean practice and legislation when compared to other world examples.
Futurismo was one of the precursors in the socioeconomic and cultural transformation in the relationship with cetaceans in the Azores. We honor this anthropological relationship so striking for the Azorean, which has shaped and still shapes our spirit, contributing to the appreciation of cetaceans, to their study and the environment that surrounds them. Certifications, more than an end, are seen by us as a means of promoting ethical values. Always with the notion of our essence, Azoreans in love with our islands, our culture and our people, of which we are part, we made a beautiful journey of debate and clarification during the Certification process, comparing practices and learning for the future.
In this 30-year journey that Futurismo completes this year, cultural promotion and the connection science-tourism, as a point of valorization and educational dynamics, have always been strategic vectors. During whale and dolphin watching trips, our team of marine biologists collect sighting information and other scientific data. The data collected is shared with universities and other institutions around the world. The purpose of these studies is to develop policies to increasingly protect marine animals and the oceans. Still in the field of research, we can say that hundreds of young Portuguese and people from other nationalities have gone through Futurismo to be able to complete and enrich their doctoral and master’s degree theses with us.
Regarding education, especially with regional schools and with the younger generations, we have been increasing our presence, which we are proud of over the years. Whether in our facilities, on our boats, or in schools, young people and Futurismo have crossed paths for moments of sharing and learning about sustainability, environment, ecology and oceans.
We believe that business projects must be implemented and contribute to the community where they are involved. Defending and promoting our culture, our environment and our people, with a special focus on our young people, senior and public members in need. We have always been and still are available to collaborate.
We are certain that the Certification that we announce today is another step, another milestone that shows that we can do well, better and better, balancing the economic factor with the environmental, social and cultural factor.
Congratulations !
Thanks a lot 🙂