Atlantic spotted dolphin fact sheet

spotted dolphin

Spotted dolphins are characterised by their colouring and patterns of spots which vary with geographical location and age. The spots, which are absent at birth build up over time so that adults have a dense covering of spots. Two species of spotted dolphin exist: Pantropical (S. attenuata) and Atlantic (S. frontalis) which are encountered in the Azores and other subtropical and tropical areas off the Atlantic.

In the Azores, Atlantic spotted dolphins are seen between June and December, with the highest sighting rates being around August, when the water is warmest.  They are usually seen in large groups numbering up to several hundred or thousands. They travel in long, low leaps and often approach boats from a distance to ride in their bow.

• Male: 2.3 m
• Female: 2.3 m
• Calf: 0.8 – 1.3 m

• Male: 140 kg
• Female: 130 kg

Global population: Unknown (population trend unknown)

Status: Data Deficient

Diet: Small schooling fish like mackerel, squid

Teeth: 120 – 168

Longevity: Unknown

Breeding age: 6 – 8 years

Gestation: 9 – 11 months

Nursing: 1 – 2 years

In other languages
Portuguese: Golfinho-pintado
Spanish: Delfín moteado del Atlántico 
French: Dauphin tacheté de l’Atlantique
Italian: Stenella maculata atlantica
German: Fleckendelfin/Zügeldelfin
Dutch: Atlantische vlekdolfijn, Atlantische gevlekte dolfijn
Swedish: Betseldelfin, atlantisk fläckigdelfin
Norwegian: Atlantiske flekket delfin
Danish: Atlantisk plettet delfin
Finnish: Atlantintäplädelfiini
Polish: Delfin plamiasta
Russian: –

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