Sperm whales and bottlenose dolphins on our zodiac tour

Today we went out with our zodiac João Vigia. At the beginning, the sea was good but the wind grew with the time. We can say that it was an adventurous trip! We tried to find a few Risso’s dolphins, sighted by one of our lookouts but unsuccessfully we were not so lucky. 

However, we still saw some squids caught by several fishing boats that were in the area. We continued our trip to the West and we found a group of bottlenose dolphins. It was the white-tip group that we have seen in the last few days. Looks like they’re here to stay! ? 

We received the alert from our lookout! Sperm Whales! Well, we searched but the ripple did not make our life easier. We then used our hydrophone that guided us quickly to the area of the sperm whales. We saw two female sperm whales, very curious, approaching our boat to see what we were doing.

When they dived, we put our hydrophone back in the water for our guests to have the opportunity to hear sperm whales doing echolocation. What a great start to the year!

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