This morning, only a few minutes after we left the harbour we started our trip with one of the resident species here in the Azores, the Common dolphin.
It was a little windy and the waves weren’t very high. The group of dolphins approached us to play and jump in the waves that our catamaran produced.
After these dolphins were well sighted we moved to another area and while we were looking for more dolphins, two Sei whales appeared suddenly very close to the boat.
We could see their blows and their dorsal fins as they were travelling.
After this pleasant surprise we found another group of dolphins, this time Atlantic spotted dolphins, a migratory species that is easier to find in summer, when the water is warmer so it means that this November the water is still very good for them and for us (21ºC).
It was an enormous group. full of very active animals and also we have seen some baby dolphins jumping next to their mothers. What a complete day!