April kicks off with unbelievable sightings!

After a long time, thanks to today’s summer-like day we have been able to go out to sea in the morning and in the afternoon.
Relishing this splendid sunny day, we had the opportunity to observe a large number of different species of cetaceans and other marine animals.
From our catamaran, we started the day seeing a small loggerhead turtle, but we did not stop and continued to get to the place where our lookouts found animals for us. We encountered an abundant group of bottlenose dolphins, approaching the boat for their “human watching” and to take advantage of the ship’s speed to travel. Among them, we manage to identify “Submarino”, a dolphin with an amputated dorsal fin that our crew knew from other trips.

After enjoying the company of the dolphins, we continued sailing in search of… blue whales! Both, one of our boats and the lookouts had spotted them moments before, so we followed their track. We began to see the first blow, then its back and fluke which made it easy to identify the species clearly from the distance. After waiting a few minutes while the animal dove, the whale surfaced again, and we could see the same behavior repeatedly, which is never guaranteed in blue whales. We stayed for a while watching the giant of the sea appear on the surface after dives, and felt happy to get marveled by its tail on four occasions. Finally, we had to say goodbye and started to return to the base, but not before visiting the common dolphins, which played near our vessel.

From an other boat which left the port earlier they were lucky enough to see false killer whales and even a blow of a humpback whale! So as always depending where you are at what time and where you look to the experiences are varying but that is what makes life interesting, isn’t it?
In the afternoon, the great conditions remained the same as in the morning. So, we left the port with the aim of repeating the morning’s success.

And so it happened! We started the trip with a short sighting of some common dolphins, but we didn’t stop, because we were heading to something bigger… there were still whales around! This time, further offshore, mother and calf blue whales, appeared. We were lucky enough to observe them well and in the end relatively close, garding the minimum distance of course. Blue whales for a second time on the same day, what a chance!

After enjoying the biggest animals of the world, we decided to head to Ponta Delgada, hoping to find some other species along the way. Near the shore, friendly common dolphins appeared again to greet us, allowing themselves to be seen just below the boat through the crystal clear water.
Like this we bid farewell a great day! From Futurismo’s boats were seen 5 species of cetaceans in one day, which is not happening everyday… so we are very grateful!
We wish you all happy Easter days and if you like to check us out while staying at home these days feel free to do so!

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