We woke up today with a cloudy day. But this fact didn’t affect us, and we found the first and second biggest animals of the world: blue whale and fin whale. In the morning we saw an adult fin whale with a calf very curious with our boats. What a moment!! In the afternoon we found several fin whales, and in the middle of them… a blue whale! We also saw a group of bottlenose dolphins, both in the morning and afternoon, that delighted our wonderful cloudy day. See you tomorrow.
Photos from Miranda van der Linde, David Rodrigues & Carine Zimmermann
Fin whale and zodiac boat
Fin whale
Fin whale
Fin whale – mother and calf
Fin whale – mother and calf
Fin whale
Fin whale
Bottlenose dolphins
Bottlenose dolphins
Fin whale blow
Fin whale
Fin whale blow – catamaran