A wonderful sunny day with lots of dolphins, shark and tuna!

tuna fish futurismo

The summer seems to want to come earlyer. It was a sunny day, with no wind and the sea looked like a mirror.

We started our trip with a huge group of common dolphins that were feeding with a lot of seagulls and shearwaters around. The fish balls were very big and we saw a big jump … but we didn’t know what had jumped … it was a TUNA fish!! And the sea was so calm that we managed to take pictures of the tuna underwater !! Uauuuuuuuuu!

We headed west looking for something bigger. The visibility was very good so if there were any animals in the area we could see for sure. We found several groups of common dolphins along the way, turtles and one shark.

Our lookout spotted some beaked whales but unfortunately, the beaked whales did not want to show themselves. Beaked whales are already very shy animals by nature and usually, when they hear a boat in the distance they tend to dive. These decided not to show up on our trip.

But we were not sad because the sea was spectacular, the sun was very warm and we still met another species of dolphins … the bottlenose dolphins! Remember the movie Flipper? It is exactly the same species, only in nature and with your family. They were very young animals and were more interested in each other than about us. We could see reproduction and socialization behavior.

What a wonderful summer day!

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